Unraveling the Knot of Anxiety: A Journey Through Triggers and Healing

3 min readJan 26, 2024


Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

Life feels like a rollercoaster sometimes, especially when anxiety takes the wheel. That’s what struck me recently when I encountered this thought: anxiety’s grip tightens the most when something else holds the power. It’s why the Universal thrill ride queue sends my heart into overdrive, even though I wouldn’t consider myself a thrill-seeker (maybe in love). That coaster screams intensity, an audience I’m happy to observe rather than join. Yet, there I am, queueing up again, the familiar knot in my stomach a twisted souvenir of past rides.

This introspection led me to delve deeper into my own trigger zones, like the churning crowds at festivals. News headlines paint a picture of unpredictable chaos, fueling the alarm bells in my brain. It craves the comfort of order, the steady rhythm of routine, and these unpredictable masses feel like dissonance personified. But instead of surrendering to the fear, I’ve learned to dance with it. Scouting exits, packing a cross-body bag for swift movement, opting for function over fashion with footwear choices — these are my tiny acts of regaining control, my whispers of reassurance against the anxious roar.

This isn’t just my story, though. Anxiety weaves its tendrils around many hearts, its triggers as diverse as the human experience itself. The unnerving lack of control in everyday uncertainties, the suffocating weight of social judgment, the destabilizing force of life’s upheavals — these are the common foes we face.

Understanding these puppeteers, these triggers, is the first step to reclaiming the stage. When uncertainty looms, my breath (4-count meditation) is a grounding anchor in the storm. Small steps, but they wrest back a sliver of control from the puppet master’s grip.

Now, let’s widen the lens. Anxiety isn’t just my personal puppet show; it’s a global performance with different acts for different audiences.

Act I: Uncertainty and Control. The unknown, the life-altering decision, the missed train — these are the villains, stealing predictability, our brain’s dearest comfort.

Act II: Social Judgment. Public speaking, first dates, family gatherings — the stage lights of social scrutiny, where fear of judgment paints the backdrop.

Act III: Life’s Crossroads. Job loss, illness, financial woes — these are the plot twists, throwing our carefully crafted narratives into disarray.

But wait, there’s more! In the wings, whispers of hope rise. Healing methods, like rebellious actors, challenge the puppet master’s reign.

Nature’s Embrace: Forest bathing, gardening, simply breathing in the earthy scent — nature’s stage whispers of calm, lowering cortisol, and painting the backdrop with peace.

Bilateral Ballet: Rhythmic tapping, binaural beats, a brisk walk — these are the unconventional stagehands, activating both brain hemispheres and quieting the amygdala’s anxious drumbeat.

Biofeedback’s Spotlight: A technique where you learn to control bodily processes that are normally involuntary, like heart rate, muscle tension, or skin temperature. Using sensors that provide real-time feedback, individuals can learn to recognize and control their physiological responses to stress and anxiety. This method empowers people to become more aware of their body’s responses to stress and learn how to regulate them.

Anxiety may be the playwright, but we hold the pen. By understanding its triggers, exploring unconventional healing, and reclaiming control, we can rewrite the script, one scene at a time. The stage is ours, and the puppets? Well, they’re just props waiting to be repurposed.

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Written by @SelfCareFlexx

I write about Health, Wellness, and Spirituality, to live your best and most purposed-filled life. We all deserve freedom.

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