Top 3 CBD Mistakes 1st Timers Make
CBD’s negative stigma is practically over. The underground scene of smoking weed to help fight cancer or to deal with stress has surfaced. Health benefits increased, research doubled and CBD now rules the market. Nothing is better than fighting cancer, being sober, and knowing your options.
Don’t make these TOP 3 CBD mistakes like a 1st timer:
1. Know the Health Benefits: (& effects)
Keep track and journal health progress and declines , If you are taking CBD. Understand the level of dosage you should be taking for your body and weight. Health benefits include but are not limited to:
a. Stress, depression, anxiety, disease-related symptoms
b. Sleep, productivity, and focus
c. Heart & cardiovascular-related issues
2.Know the differences CBD and THC:
a. CBD comes from Hemp Plants instead of marijuana plants
b. Hemp plants are cannabis plants containing less than 0.3 percent of THC
c. Both are the same species of cannabis plants
3.Know the Medical & Recreational options:
a.Cannabis for Medical and Recreational use has increased with legalization expanding across the U.S
b. New Hemp/CBD options like Gummies to sleep, CBD for energy, or CBD oil to manage stress continues to make waves in the wellness market
c. Because of the Covid 19 Pandemic, there has been an increase in Marijuana ( & alcohol) sold in the country and increased wellness supplements developed, including the CBD immunity gummies.