6 Holistic Methods in Fighting Seasonal (all) Depression

4 min readJan 23, 2023


Welcome, 2023! Some of us feel hopeful about the New Year & all the possibilities. But some of us are barely making it outside because it’s COLD! 🥶. From Jan-March (Sometimes April/May due to/but not because of Global Warming).

Seasonal depression is a type of depression that occurs during certain seasons, usually in the winter months.The symptoms can include but are not limited to:

  • Low energy and fatigue
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Changes in appetite, often resulting in weight gain
  • Feelings of hopelessness or sadness
  • Loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities
  • Social withdrawal
  • Trouble sleeping

I’ve seen a doctor (general health) one time in 10 years, and that is because I always try a holistic or plant-based approach to any symptoms I am feeling. I also know & listen to my body frequently. There is also a huge healthcare issue with black women in America, but that is another topic for another day.

Since moving to the Pacific NW, I frequently practice holistic wellness daily to help manage my overall depression of moving right before the holidays, away from family & friends, very single, and to a COLD ass city.

Some of the most effective practices that help me deal is:

1. LIGHT THERAPY : Exposure to bright light can help to improve mood and energy levels. You can try using a light therapy box or going outside for a walk during the daytime.

Relocating to one of America’s rainiest cities (Portland), upon arriving from sunny South Florida, This light lamp was my 1st suggested purchase by many. Im not sure if its woking yet, but its nice a nice & settle Sunrise 🌅.

2. EXERCISE: Regular physical activity can help to improve mood and reduce stress.

The exercise is limited only to things you can do indoors and the treadmill has been my jam. You will not catch me running outside for anything less than 70 degrees. I am Floridian through and through. My mother was part of the generations of new yorkers who moved to Florida and never looked back. I dont know anything but hot 🥵 and HOTTT! So I turn up my fav Hot Girl Summer Playlist and run to my fav jams.

3. DIET: Eating a healthy, balanced diet can help to support mental health. Try to include a variety of fruits, vegetables, and protein in your meals.

Imperfect Food grocery subscription has me in a chokehold. Current grocery store prices make you think you are in a luxury designer shopping experience. I dont understand how it is legal to charge these prices. It’s absurd! I will grow my own food before I grow broke paying these prices. Not today, Satan! (Use the Link to get $20 off 1st order. Cancel anytime)

Like many millennials, I pay for convenience. In doing so, I limit the food going to waste, purchase exactly what I need, and eat foods I am inspired and motivated to make. Hello Fresh does precisely that. I am never disappointed and can always swap what I want for the week. (Use the Link to get Free Meal Kit, only pay for shipping. )

4. SLEEP: Sleeping is essential for overall health and well-being. Try to establish a consistent sleep schedule and create a relaxing bedtime routine.

I light a lavender incense every night, spray my pillow with Apothecary Pillow Ritual, and read a little until a few yawns start to formulate and that magnesium tablet kicks in. My body gets in the routine faster than my brain can register, by that time I am passed out.

5. MINDFULNESS: Practicing mindfulness can help to reduce stress and improve overall well-being. You can try activities such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga.

Ten Perfect Happier App (Hands down, the best meditation teachers in the world) You have The Dalai lama, George Mumford (who coached Kobe & Jordan), and so many established in the art and practice with the most soothing voices to guide you.

6. SOCIAL SUPPORT: Connecting with others can help to improve mood and reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation. Consider joining a support group or spending time with friends and family.

GET UP & GET OUT! I joined the black employee network at my company and the Geneva app, which highlighted local groups in my area, and I made a new friend within the month of joining. I plan to join a local volunteer community because nothing is more selfish than giving back time and energy to others. Rewarding and necessary, especially in these times. We can all do better by focusing on others.

It’s essential to speak with a healthcare provider if you are experiencing symptoms of seasonal depression, as they can provide additional treatment options and support.

If you are feeling unusually down and out these days, try a holistic approach consistently for 30 days and see an improvement in your mood, productivity, and outlook.




Written by @SelfCareFlexx

I write about Health, Wellness, and Spirituality, to live your best and most purposed-filled life. We all deserve freedom.

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